One of my journeys into a totally different world....A world of incredible violence and horrifying tales of murder and rape...That was 2004. Now it's 2006 and nothing has happened.The situation in Darfur got even worse. The UN did NOT send a peace keeping force..Jan Pronk is kicked out of office and the world is busy looking the other way. That's why I keep fighting for attention for those poor innocent people...The people I saw in the camps are probably still there with no chance of returning to their native country.The hundreds of other refugees I saw arriving may not be alive anymore as we speak..Children,mothers,fathers,adolescents.Dying of hunger,disease and violence so incredibly disgusting. I am trying together with the Red Cross to go back to the refugee camps and work there for a certain period of time..It's too important not to.
These are pictures of my trip in 2004 to the Treguine and Beguine camp in Tchad...Just across the Darfur border.17.000 people in Treguine and 11.000 in Beguine camp....and in between hundreds of struggling people with no shelter and no water or food.The Red Cross and other NGO's tried their best but the camps were full and the money was almost gone...Those people are still on my mind...almost every day.

On my way on a UN-flight

Red Cross compound in Treguine. Central point.

New arrivals waiting for medical treatment.

Our toilet...Nice open air...

Garden of the Red Cross compound

Food distribution in the camp

School for over 300 children in Treguine Camp.

Food distribution

Local Red Cross takes care of distribution.

Mule-ambulance for the camp. Mostly used for pregnant women and moving corpses.
1 opmerking:
Je verhalen maken zo ontzettend veel indruk. Je foto's maken de situatie alleen nog maar duidelijker. Oneindig veel vragen komen in me op, waarom zij? Waarom keert de wereld de rug naar deze mensen...waarom! Waarom moeten mensen met elkaar vechten en zijn onschuldige mensen daar de dupe van!
Onze wereld vol rijkdom. Wij die zeuren en ons druk maken over kleine dingetjes. Dingen die er niet toe doen, als je denkt aan het moeilijke leven van deze mensen.
De mensen mogen nooit vergeten worden, want verdient niet iedereen een eerlijk leven?
Ik ben van mening dat we er iig naar kunnen streven. We hoefen en kunnen ons leven hier niet stop zetten maar uiteindelijk helpen ook alle kleine beetjes.
Eric, keep up the good work. You inspire people!
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